路加福音DeLaBruere, Grade 11, of Derby, Vt, 在周六举行的ManBet手机客户端2024年学士学位和颁奖仪式上,她获得了大量奖项, 而学校的级长们则分享了投手奖, 这是学校的最高奖项.
Luke, 谁将是明年的联席总监, was co-winner with Enrui “Eric” Zhang of the Sean Kevin Ingutia Music Award for contribution to music in the school; the Technology Prize; the Leonard McGilton Memorial Award (to a local senior student returning to school); the A.P. Gordon Prize for Science; and the Governor General’s Medal for the highest overall average in Grade 11. 他还获得了以下学术奖项. 麦肯齐11年级英语奖和11年级化学奖, 当代世界, 数学与物理.
来自佛蒙特州纽波特市的马德琳·李普曼与毛里西奥·洛佩斯·桑切斯共同获得了投手奖. 副级长们被认为是最有影响力的学生. 12年级的玛德琳也赢得了亚瑟E. Curtis Jr. Award as the top student entering an engineering program; Trueman-McFadyen Award as the top female student-athlete; and the Grade 12 Physics prize.
泰勒Battah, 蒙特利尔12年级, earned a number of rewards reflecting his character: the House Director’s Award for Cowen House; the Rotary Club Service Award for service above self in the school community; the Everest Award, presented to a student who has overcome challenges and shown significant improvement; and the Raymond Lester Memorial Award, 给在这所学校受益最多的学生, 与圣卢西亚的布雷登·查斯塔内共同获奖.